Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New Biker in Town

Two weekends ago, me and Chico went to buy bikes. I said I would never ride a bike in Shanghai but... Evolution is inevitable, and we have to be enough open minded for new challenges. Yeah, it's dangerous as hell - the only rule is that the bigger vehicle has priority regardless of any traffic sign or regulation - but I decided to risk it! I believe that if I am able to ride a bike in Shanghai I'll be able to ride a bike anywhere in the world (maybe even become a MotoGP rider). :)

Chico had bought his bike before me and spent the whole day telling me about the advantages of having one. After a while I agreed and we left. The objective was buying the bike and then going for a tour in Shanghai. He took his bike and I sat in the "back seat". First stop Taco Bell for great enchilladas and Chinese people dressed like Mexicans. The best thing is that when we entered the restaurant all of them were shouting HOLA!!! at us. Just hilarious. It happened that it was the only word they knew in Spanish. Good effort though. :)

After lunch we went on with our journey to the bike shop. We were half the way when the unexpected happened. Chico bought the cheapest bike in the store (something like 18€). Obviously the material was not the best and not prepared to carry 2 guys... Result: the wheel collapsed!! We almost fell down and everyone couldn't stop laughing!! One day after buying the bike we had trashed it... Nice, huh? We could not ride it anymore so we took it to the bike shop (about 30 minutes walk) on our hands.
Just a bit busy! :)

The bike shop is in a very busy street full of traditional shops that sell almost anything. The guy only speaks chinese and.... GERMAN! Why? Because he lived there for some years... Got some money and opened his own business in Shanghai. Chico gave his bike to the mechanic and I started my search. It took 3 minutes, I had found my baby! Yeah!!! The only thing that was keeping me from "her" were 40 long minutes of bargaining (i have no idea how i managed but I guess my GerChinglish is quite good!). But no one could separate us! 300 RMB (30€) and my upgraded (yes... 2 locks, a bell and a hamper) babe was ready for Papa!

About to find my Babe!!

As security comes first I had to buy a helmet, hehe! The result was this... Shanghai has a new biker in town!
My Cutie... :)

YMCA? :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The JLJ Group

I have now been in China for over a month and I haven't written a line about my job... I know, I know, a shame!

Well, I am working as a Consultant at a company called JLJ Group. Basically, the company provides solutions for companies interested in starting or developing a business in China. From market consulting, to corporate formation, human resources to tax & accounting. To sum up, everything a company might need here in China! :) (my boss will have to pay me for the free advertising, hehe).

JLJ welcomed me at the company's website! :)

The company is located in West Nanjing Rd., in the very center of Shanghai and just a nice 20 minute walk from my apartment. It has about 50 employees in the different divisions and we're about 8 in the consulting team. Everyone has been really friendly with me and I do have great colleagues. I know I have only been working there for about one month but I can already feel that I am learning a lot. Both Alessandro (my Boss and the Partner in charge of the consulting division) and Candice (Project Manager) have great experience in the industry so everything has been rewarding even if sometimes I feel really lost. Consulting is not an easy industry but I believe it will eventually pay-off all the hard work. I am currently working on a logistics project and it has been a great challenge. I've been placed in the "spotlight" and given a lot of responsibility. I surely wasn't expecting it but I think I'll be alright! :)

Three weeks ago, just before the Chinese New Year, we had JLJ's annual dinner in a very nice Japanese restaurant. Everyone was there and I had a lot of fun. Monica, our office manager prepared gift exchanges and fun games... I ended up playing Twister at the restaurant with Jonas - a Swedish guy from Umea (how amazing is that!?!?) who is charge of the tele-marketing division) - and two other Chinese colleagues. It is important to refer that there was some heavy saké drinking during the dinner. You're suppose to celebrate the new year with everyone and whenever someone says GAMBEI you have to take a shot of whatever u are drinking. We were "only" 50 there so take your conclusions!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Loop from Beijing

You just gotta love technology...

To your delight... Pics from Beijing! (The Vids will come soon)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

168, Xinzha Lu

...That's where I live!!!

View from my Balcony - Meridien Hotel (high building to the left) and Radisson Hotel (high building to the right)

in Transition